
Life Gadgets

Widgets for Real Life

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Life gadgets is an idea that I want to build for the HackaDay Space competition. I'm still working on the concept but will update here as its get's developed.

There are lots of proper IoT projects out there, and Life Gadgets is also one of those IoT ideas, but with a twist. There has been numerous times where I needed a temporary IoT fix, a setup that would only be temporary but important none the less. For example, my fridge has been acting up and I wanted to monitor the temperature in there over a period of time. Easy to do with one of the usual arduino variants, a temperature sensor and some rf solution like an xbee. The sad fact is that I just wasn't in the mood to set that up and all the hassles that are involved. It seems simple but once you start you spend a couple of days on it. Find all the components in my junkbox, download the development tools because mine are outdated for that specific library that will be used for that specific rf module, etc. Fun for some I'm sure, but with a full-time job and a 2-year old in the house it seems like time wasted. Let's face it, if I have a few days to spare on an electronics project then I'd rather build something really cool and fun and not just an iteration of whats already out there. So what I actually need is a system that will allow me to setup these quick temporary IoT setups with minimal hassle. 

This is where my concept of Life Gadgets come in. Simple modules that can be programmed with 'scratch' like blocks from my smartphone to setup my fridge monitor temperature scenario in a few minutes ...

  • STM32 fun

    Tom Van den Bon05/13/2014 at 16:38 0 comments

    Another reason for this project is to learn the stm32 processor and all that goes with it. My personal experience is that if you want to learn a new microcontroller then you need to do something practical with it. With that in mind I have gotten my hands on one of the stm32l discovery boards, setup the gcc toolchain and started programming some basic examples to test various parts of what I could possibly use in my project. The guys at my local hackerspace ( are also interested in learning the stm32 so we did a little bulk buy and are planning a few meetup nights to play with it. We had the first one last week, it was all about getting the tools up and running and creating the embedded version of the 'hello world', aka known as the blinking led ... ;)

    I keep all the stn32 learning adventures of myself and everybody else in a github. This way everybody has access to various examples which will hopefully grow as we learn to use the stm32. It's available here.

    Until next time :)

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