
Part 6: It's Alive! Or, at least, life

A project log for Purposeless LED Display

When life gives you an empty glass candle holder, why *wouldn't* you jam a ton of LEDs in it?

jorj-bauerJorj Bauer 05/04/2016 at 19:420 Comments

I'm slowly refactoring the code hither and yon - falling prey to the disease that Richard Feynman well described, where computer folks tend to play with the damn things forever. (This is, after all, a project I've given myself to work on during lunch, so I suppose that's warranted.)

The receiver, when I'm not accidentally bricking it by telling it to use the wrong frequency band, is working great. Taking a cue from the AT command set (which most readers probably won't know boo about; sigh) I have it interpreting "~~~" as a local command, where all other data is sent over to the driver. The driver communicates state back via serial, and then the receiver transmits that serial data back to the gateway node.

Shown above is a short time lapse of the Purposeless Display playing Life, one of the many modes I've chucked in to the code.
