
Software architecture overview

A project log for Green powered sailboat

The goal is to build a tiny autonomous sailboat able to travel potentially forever, powered using solar panels and wind.

silvio-biasiolsilvio biasiol 04/28/2016 at 13:170 Comments

The software of the sailboat will be based on a layered system which can be seen above. The behaviour is based on a incremental process of data refinement level by level. The main entities will be:

Furthermore it can dynamically change the route in case of repentine changes of the wind conditions or if the boat has come too far from the next intermediate objective or if an obstacle is approaching. It gives as output the desired direction to follow in degrees) to reach the next intermediate objective.

The following picture represent a typical LDRP and SDRP interaction:

I'm developing a little Java software that will visually simulate the path choosing algorithm in optimal conditions. It will also show the dynamic changing of the path in case of wind direction changes. Hopefully I will finish it soon and upload both the code and a demo version :)
