
Feature set fixed, lets not creep.....

A project log for Automated Living Car Integration

This is the aspect of the automated living project for car use

james-wynhoffJames Wynhoff 04/18/2018 at 19:560 Comments

Feature creep, it happens to the best of us (or maybe just me)

I have been trying to get some time to work on this project but havent really had the time, YET.

I wanted to comment and lock in some details for what the END GOAL of this project is, and a rating on how realistic it will be to implement.

OBDII data, this is a MUST, in addition to the standard high speed can bus
I will also be modifying the OBDII adapter to switch to the medium speed can bus.
GPS, this is another must have, and its easy, its actually a combo GPS/GLONASS
we will see how the performance is between the 2, and what mode it ends up staying in.
RF remote cloning
though it may end up being "learned" on the SBC via SDR, then sent to the arduino.
This feature is key to being able to have the "automatic" feel of setting a geofence, such as for our gated community gate,
drive up, the geofence is triggered, and send the correct rf code to open the gate.
Driving statistics, this will be logged to the SBC but gathered by the arduino via a 9DOF sensor YesLow
Steering wheel keys, this is really part of the OBDII, but I want to mention it again, its very important (for my wife especially)YesMedium
FM Tuner, this will be handled with an SDR via the SBCYesLow
Navigation, I'm still exploring options with this, but we will be getting GPS data via the arduino linkYesMedium
Internet connectivity, this will be provided to the SBC via a 4g hotspot
the SBC will have a direct USB connection, so wifi stays OFF during normal operation
Phone connectivity, high on the list, this requires a lot of working parts for bluetooth, or USBYesMedium
Backup Camera, this should ideally have telemetry data overlayed on itYesMedium
Proximity alarms / garage park assist, I will probably use NRF series radios to link the car to the sensors
inside the garage once they get in range of each other
Auto update (system)
when parked and in range the SBC will connect to the home wifi and if an update is available,
it will signal the arduino to stay on until the update is finished

What do you think?

What are the features you want to see ?


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