
Colour vision on a NoIR camera

A project log for Patrick

RAD v1.0 robot + Raspberry Pi + gadgets = ???

caramellcubecaramellcube 04/11/2016 at 18:090 Comments

About half of the new parts have arrived, so far they all seem to be working fine. The selectable IR-cut adapter for the NoIR camera in particular is just about perfect, only tested it a little so far but with the filter closed the colours are a lot more vivid. It doesn't need a lot of current to open and close so I'll probably just put a mini h-bridge somewhere. Still working on what to replace the dartgun with, so far ideas include a 100w LED, extra speaker, or a set of connectors for an oscilloscope script. If anyone has any ideas let me know. Also trying to find replacement screws for the RAD series if anyone knows of a source.
