
Finished (Enough)

A project log for Elevator Simulation

Final laboratory project for ECE2510 Intro to Microprocessors at Western Michigan University

nate-bowenNate Bowen 04/09/2016 at 21:070 Comments

I came to school this morning (Saturday, 4/9/16) hoping that someone might be able to let me into the Microprocessors lab at some point today. After working on some other homework near the entrance for about an hour, I spotted my TA walking in. Praise God!

So I worked on the project for about 5 hours and I think I've got it to a good place to call finished. There are some points I'm not going to get, but the complexity of those requirements is something I'm not about to spend another 10 hours on.

What I completed today:

Added a video to the details section! Enjoy!
