

A project log for Semiconductors @ Home

Building all the tools neccesary to make chips at home.

nixieNixie 03/27/2018 at 08:050 Comments

Because I am a cheap bastard that wants to use the endcaps of the vacuum chamber as Anode and Katode, instead of messing around with sparkplugs or similar, I need an electrical insulator for my vacuum pump, because the KF16 vaccum line is all metal. Otherwise, the pump would sit at 500V potential.

Buying a ceramic insulator is out of the question, and a glass insulator is expensive (could easily reach 100€, SUPPOSING that the selling company wants to do business with an individual) So, I bought borosilicate tube and set my lathe to slow cooking.

Glassworks Part 1:

Glassworks Part 2:
