
Firmware alternatives.... difficult decisions "

A project log for Solar Powered Garden Irrigation System

Minimal effort Solar powered wireless controlled automatic watering

michael-frank-taylorMichael Frank Taylor 06/12/2016 at 20:120 Comments

Having completed the 'Design Your Concept' stage and received a small amount of , although very welcome, 'seed money' thoughts have turned to the Subsequent Stages and into which Catergory or Categories my Project might fit. Neither the 'Anything Goes' or the 'Citizen Scientist' Challenges would appear to be relevant and so further consideration will be given to either or both of Challenge 4 'Automation' and Challenge 5 'Assistive Technologies' . Fortunately for me this gives a little breathing space particularly as deciding on a suitable communication protocol and the optimum Software Development Environment/Language is proving to be a time consuming challenge.

Decisions are now close and currently I'm conducting tests using MQTT with a RaspberyPi as a 'Broker' and the target ESP8266 Solenoid Controllers as Clients/Servers. Once I have concluded these tests I shall look at redesigning the original PCB to conform t a modified form factor to fit my selected housing.
