
I have a day job...

A project log for BuckyBot

A Mobile 3D printer to build Megastructures

ranarchyRanarchy 07/04/2014 at 00:592 Comments

... keeping America safe for capitalists and capitalism.  About the hardest thing to do is to spend all the time it takes to present a design in a coherent manner properly.  So, I design UAV (Drone) widgets during the day, then go home to design, fab, and DOCUMENT buckybot.  Me ... just me...  Despite my appeal to the maker masses for help, I get no response.  I am struggling to make the web pages logical and coherent.  I have a Work Breakdown Sturcture (WBS) for the BuckyBot, but it's massive.  As the web sight grows, so will its coherence and logical structure.  Keep in mind that there's still a month to still ENTER ...    Try to be patient ...


Ranarchy wrote 07/15/2014 at 18:58 point
Companies have whole divisions to do it (Configuration Management) and it's still problematic...

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zakqwy wrote 07/08/2014 at 15:54 point
Documenting projects is really tough. Doing it efficiently and in a manner that allows the casual reader to understand the project is even harder. I stand by my suggestion to avoid relying on your personal website; the added flexibility of your own platform really is a double-edged sword. I'm using a combination of long build logs, nested directories on Dropbox, Google sheets, and lots of pictures to keep my stuff organized and it's far from perfect, so I feel your pain.

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