

A project log for Open Source Multimeter

A relatively low-cost but full-featured and safe multimeter.

karl-sKarl S 04/12/2016 at 06:580 Comments

Here's some features I'm planning on:

I'm also aiming for better than 0.1% accuracy (more details about how I expect to achieve this another day...), but if I can only get 1% that'll be OK. This (0.1%) is 30 times less than the resolution (0.003%), but the extra resolution is still useful (and reduces any errors from the analog-to-digital conversion). By way of comparison, cheap multimeters (I have three particular models in mind) may have an accuracy of 0.5% to 1.5%, while having a resolution of 4,000 or 0.025%, to give a resolution 20 (for 0.5% accuracy) or 60 (for 1.5% accuracy) times higher than the accuracy.

Of course, all the normal features will be present as well (current, resistance, continuity, diode test, frequency, duty cycle...).
