
Bill of Materials (BOM)

A project log for Bypassing TV broadcasting restrictions

A compact Tvheadend server based on a RPi3 to bypass geographical restrictions of TV broadcasting

solenoidSolenoid 04/09/2016 at 09:440 Comments

I made a list of components with pictures, references, link to the product and a ballpark price to make it easier to find the same components. Not all DVB-T dongles work well with the Raspberry Pi (driver wise), some look very similar, so one has to take care to look which components are used inside. The one I used works out of the box.

DVB-T references to terrestrial digital video broadcasting, this is kind of a hit-and-miss technique depending on where live you and where you can put the device. The signals might not propagate everywhere. If possible/available DVB-C (cable) should be preferred.

I needed to roll my own USB extension cable because of the enclosure size I chose, an easier way would be to simply attach the DVB-T dongle to the RPi and buy a bigger enclosure...

For the USB connectors I bought a male micro-USB to female USB-A connector and broke it to get the components, it was cheaper this way.

Raspberry Pi 3 model B
Wi-Fi is needed to transmit data to the local router, possibly from outside the house
Micro SD card
8GB should be the minimum
DVB-T receiver with antenna
With RTL2832U and R820T
Power supply
100V-230V to 5V/2A, the type doesn't matter as it's going to be broken and put inside of the project box
Male micro USB connector
To connect power to the RPi3
Female USB-A connector
To connect the DVB-T receiver
Male USB-A connector
To connect the DVB-T receiver to the RPi3
Junction box
A junction box is a nice project box as it has IP65 is protection norm (can be left outside)
100mm by 100mm is really the strict minimum, I can barely fit everything inside
I bought mine from a local shop, so the exact same one might not be on eBay
AC power supply cable
This depends on the region you live in
9 partsTotal$65

Some soldering and wire are also needed for the assembly.
