
Setup and code editing

A project log for Universal Glucometer

Did your test strips just get more expensive? Has the drug store run out of strips for YOUR meter? Like to be able to use any test strip?

tom-meehanTom Meehan 04/30/2016 at 03:041 Comment

I received my parts order, including a PIkit3 (to program and debug the PIC microcontroller).

Downloaded and Installed MPLAB X IDE

Downloaded and Installed C-compiler for 8 bit PICS – XC8

As expected, had a few minor problems in setting up MPLAB X IDE but I got it figured out. Imported Reference Design Code into MPLAB X IDE. So far I've fixed a few errors that prevented the code from compiling - currently getting error that it doesn't recognize VREGCONbits.

Beginning a strip dissection to map it's pinout. I'll post up pictures as soon as I'm done.


Rich text editor

Tom Meehan wrote 04/30/2016 at 06:08 point

OMG - I got it to compile with no errors.  Time to start debugging and then editing and adding to code.

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