
Drakkar - printable robotic prosthetic leg

An open source 3D printable robotic prosthetic leg.

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Drakkar has been developed to create a low cost prosthetic leg that can be modified and adapted for the end user.

It is built with a core of M8 steel threaded rods and a a printable plastic housing.

This project is available on Github:

Drakkar is an open source low cost printable robotic prosthetic leg. I started with this model because I could not find any printable and modifiable prosthetic leg and the ones in the market are so expensive.

This project is available on Github, where you can see all files and the last updates.

Whit this ideas, I developed the first model, Drakkar D1. In this model I use a knee mechanism inspired by the passive prothesis.

Drakkar Goat, first prototype.

When I obtained the correct size of the knee bar mechanism, I designed and made the Drakkar Goat.

The foot was a problem because it was very fragile, so I modified the human model and create a new one inspired by the goat hooves.

When I tested this model, I saw that it had some problems. The first problem was the design of some parts, because this leg model cannot be resized to be used by children.

Drakkar N7, second prototype.

I changed the desing and created a modular leg with some basic modules with the electronics and sensors.

This model can be adapted to different motors, sensors and electronics. It can be adapted to the user height too.

Human model

Original design of the human model: Jarde Dummy by Jari Ikonen.

Drakkar N7 Anvil

Right now I'm working on electronics and software for reading the leg muscles to control Drakkar.

More information coming soon.

Drakkar has been sponsored by BQ untill March 2016.

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engenhariacomputacao2018 wrote 02/28/2018 at 14:53 point

Hola, David Sánchez Falero, ¿cómo estás?

Vimos su publicación sobre prótesis de pierna ( y nos gustaría saber qué tamaño de actuador lineal se utiliza. 50 mm o 100 mm?
¡Aprecia tu atención!

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ESP wrote 10/29/2016 at 22:28 point

This is definitely a great project!!!

¡¡¡Mucho ánimo campeón!!!

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Laurent wrote 04/17/2016 at 16:47 point

I don't know about feasibility or not, but I think it's great !  If you need a beta tester, I know a motivated athlete. I'll try to invite him on hackaday...

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PZ wrote 04/17/2016 at 05:58 point

wow,interesting project, I had an idea like yours but, i just did some parts。And my project just beginning.

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admford wrote 04/13/2016 at 00:14 point

interesting project, though I do have some questions on feasibility.

ROM: most prosthetic knees allow about 120 degrees, so the amputee can easily kneel without having to balance all the time on their knees. It also eased pressure from the bottom of the stumps. Also, there are situations when sitting requires more than 90 degrees of bend at the knee.

Weight bearing: the two rods in the lower part of the leg look INCREDIBLY flimsy. You could probably have better weight bearing using Aluminum/PVC pipes. Also, why no love for the ubiquitous pyramid connector that ALL prosthetics use? Prosthetic legs are notoriously difficult to set up, and require alignment both above the knee (at the point of connection with the socket), and at the foot (to adjust for shoe soles and angle of the legs). Two rods will not allow for the six degrees of freedom needed to adjust the prosthetic at the feet & at the point where knee and socket join up.

Goat Foot: be VERY careful with the design of the foot. The goat foot design seems to have a weird way of capturing energy when walking. It seems to capture energy when the step is being made, but there seems to be minimal return of that energy when weight/pressure lowered from the foot. Remember, above the knee amputees can use up to 300% more energy walking (bilateral AK) than a normal person. The LAST thing you want to do is capture their energy when they walk, without an equal or almost equal return. There's also a clear engineering and anatomical reason why both prosthetic and real feet have an arch to them, by removing that, you remove the possibility of absorbing impact force by the prosthetic (and such, the force of a drop will go directly into the amputee's stump). 

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