
Triacs do not like me.

A project log for Raptor12 Wireless AC Dimmer

Christmas, Halloween light string controller that is wireless, 12channel dimmable AC controller, with an AVR for $30

kingofkyatravis-kKingOfKYA(Travis K. ) 05/07/2014 at 21:560 Comments

I guess i should post about where i am stuck.

I am missing some concept of current flow and I cant seam to get it working.

I found this as a reference, and started protypeing with its power supply and triac driving curcit.

Just as proof of conceptThat dosen't work)


// Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards.

// give it a name:

int chan1 = 11;

int chan2 = 12;

int led = 13;

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:

void setup() {

// initialize the digital pin as an output.

pinMode(led, OUTPUT);


// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:

void loop() {

pinMode(chan1, OUTPUT); //set as an output and

pinMode(chan2, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(chan1, LOW); //connect pull down for chan1 and 2

digitalWrite(chan2, LOW); //Triac shoudl be on at this stage.

digitalWrite(led, HIGH);



// wait for a second

pinMode(chan1, INPUT); // Set as input this shoudl stop triggering the triac

pinMode(chan2, INPUT); //This should disable the pull up and have a 1meg ohm+ resistance.

digitalWrite(led, LOW);



It seams to be what ever i try to do the triac is still triggered. After i set the pin as an input it still seams to be triggering the triac.

Here so far I have tested: (at this point i am using the power supply in the DMX dimmer circuit link.)

Measuring the ohm between chan1 and GND.

23ohm when pulled high

4Mohm when set as input

Trigger triac with various resistors.

Everything above 40kohm Will NOT trigger triacs.

09-28-2013, 10:37 PM
