
Ready for action

A project log for VR Training Feedback

For the TVCOG VR Hackathon my teammates and I decided to create a haptic feedback system to help with task training.

matt-barthMatt Barth 05/05/2016 at 00:320 Comments

The arm position code is now scaled to support all of the different joints. The arduino I have sort of fell apart, so I am looking forward to the next meeting with Jeff to test with a working arduino.

I removed the neck, resized, and repositioned the arm to make it more lifelike through the google cardboard. Although the arm can cause vibrations based on angles, I added the ability to also cause vibrations when it collides with objects. The only object in the scene currently is the block that shows connectivity, but I have tested it with a arm movement test script I wrote and triggers are being called appropriately to cause vibrations. I have support to trigger both front and back vibrations depending on the position of the collision on the limb, which will be cool when we eventually have multiple arduino vibrators devices for each limb.

The viewport from the cardboard is tricky. I added a floor with a wood texture so that the arm doesn't seem completely in space, but the scale of the arm is a bit off. The shadow from the arm looks much to small on the floor. I am going to have to tweak it much more. I thought it would be cool to create a pagoda training room around the player. Maybe we could make a fruit ninja game for people to play once we get this working! Ninja training ftw!
