
A functioning JavaFX Media Player - FINALLY

A project log for Train Your Brain with NeuroFeedback

Brain hacking!!! Improve your focus and concentration by training your brain using NeuroFeedback.

tom-meehanTom Meehan 09/14/2016 at 05:010 Comments

Java coding has been difficult for me but after working with MPLABX to develop code for PIC micro-controllers (MPLABX is built on Netbeans - just like the Arduino IDE was developed from Processing). Anyway, all the trials I've had in PIC programming have paid off for me in understanding Java coding using the NetBeans IDE. As a result, in just a morning of work I finally got a basic video player functional using JavaFX in NetBeans.

Fairly simple code, I'll post it up in the morning tomorrow.
