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A project log for 2018 Open Hardware Summit badge

electronic conference badge for 2018 Open Hardware Summit attendees

oshparkoshpark 05/29/2018 at 17:352 Comments

1) I want to have assembly done by Sept. 1st

2) I met people from Rigado and they gave me a dev board.  This is the module used in the Portland Bsides Oregon Trail badge and previous And!XOR bender badge.  It is a module board for Nordic Bluetooth SoC.  I am waiting on a quote from them for qty 300.

3) BLE on ESP32 is not low power, yet, and has same power draw as WiFi

4) I hung out with And!XOR this past weekend and saw the new Bender badge.  They are using ESP32.  They prefer the development environment as compared to Nordic (for the Rigado module).  The BLE stack is much more basic than Nordic but they also have the option to leverage WiFi.  They are using 2xAA with a Skyworks boost converter

5) Please @ mention @oshpark in this project's hack chat to make sure I'll see it.


Drew Fustini



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AVR wrote 05/31/2018 at 15:53 point

I believe he can get a discount on those, hence getting a quote for 300 units. 

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Alex Camilo wrote 05/31/2018 at 15:28 point

The Rigado modules are super expensive, roughly twice as expensive as the ESP.

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