
First Laser Test with new firmware.

A project log for OpenExposer

An affordable Arduino controlled multipurpose laser exposing device. Use it for SLA Printers, PCB Exposing, Laser Harp etc.

mario-lukasMario Lukas 01/15/2015 at 15:440 Comments

The new open exposer firmware supports G-Code now. I also wrote some tools to handle g-code files.

The toolchain works as follows:

1. generate a stl file with your favourite cad software

2. sclice the stl to svg with slic3r

3. use the open-exposer slicer to post process the svg file and generate the g-code file

4. send g-code to open exposer with open exposer sender

All tools are written in python. I implemented a small plugin interface for the post processor. With plugins the post processor can be extended to handle different input file formats. By default it supports svg ( slic3r export).

Here is a small video which shows the exposure process with the new firmware.
