Here in the US it's months way from November in the election year. Obviously that means only one thing: it's full-on, non-stop presidential election season. To help you digest all the political chaos, there is one number you need to know: the probability that come November, our country's executive branch (and subsequently our whole country) will end up completely and utterly fucked.
The displayed value is computed using PredictWise's aggregated presidential winner results. This provides a high-level, near-realtime summary of the best predictions available.
The Fuckedometer is built around the ESP8266 and a large 80mm analog ammeter. It has a APA102-C RGB LED on top of it to provide visual feedback for wifi pairing and device status. The case is lasercut, sanded, and then stained. To make it easier to power and fabricate the device, I use the Adafruit Feather HUZZAH breakout board.
Trump ftw.