
V4.0 It lives!

A project log for Micro Robots for Education

We aim to make multi-robot systems a viable way to introduce students to the delight that is robotics.

joshua-elsdonJoshua Elsdon 03/16/2017 at 15:461 Comment

Hello everybody. V4 is alive and well. Below are a few upgrades we have implemented.

So this version is significantly better. Though every design needs an appropriate erata! Things that are wrong:

Below are some videos and pictures of the newest version for your viewing pleasure.


deʃhipu wrote 03/17/2017 at 01:09 point

Nice to see the project progressing. A shame about the pins -- is it just a bad choice, or did you run out of pins that could be used?

I wonder if it would be possible to break out some of the free pins to a pin header on top, so that you could have "shields" with additional sensors or effectors.

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