
Build a charging station!

A project log for Wireless Arduino-powered Vibrator

Building your own silicone molded vibrator. Use a 3d printer for printing the form. Drive the vibration motor with a Arduino board.

body-interaction-teambody interaction team 05/20/2016 at 13:260 Comments

This is a simple and easy add-on for the project. We make a 3d printed box for the wireless charging transmitter module and for the charging coil. In addition we need a USB cable which we will cut through and connect to the charging module.

It is important to keep the distance between sender and receiver coil as small as possible. The larger the distance is the less power will be transmitted. Therefore the plate where you put the vibrator must be very thin. For most 3d printers this isn't a problem, even my daVinci printer managed to print out the thin plate.

Detailed instruction:

A. Print out part A and B. Download STL files (zip file)

B. Cut a USB cable. Plug the cable through the hole of form B.

C. Now connect the USB wires with the sender module.

D. Glue the sender board on the bottom of the red form.

E. Now glue the black form and the sender coil together.

F. Now put together both parts.


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