UPDATE: 05/30/2016- I'll have to scrap the 18650 battery pack idea. The best way to build battery packs is to find a battery supplier in which you can customize packaging and chemistry of the cells. This is too specific for my DIY system and I'm getting lost in the details. Building a battery pack has taken more time and energy (get it?) than converting the motorcycle. I'm stepping back from the custom pack idea and designing the rest of the system to be more versatile and battery agnostic.
Current development work has begun on the EVBox and the code is progressing along. It has been cold and raining all week so code developement indoors was the best move. The electric motorcycle still needs the following items complete:
Construct upper battery cage
insulate battery terminals
Battery cablling
Circuit protection (no fuses are installed anywhere, yikes!)
Install DisplayBox mounts
I have accidentally shorted the battery terminals twice now. The second time if boiled the solder in the 2AWG copper lug and sprayed it. This was only 24v and it was highly dangerous so circuit protection and insulation is my FIRST priority.
Battery Upgrade
There is a chance I am in the market to upgrade to Lithium chemistry for my battery pack. Not to count my eggs before they hatch, I'll just say that Nissan Leaf cells or a custom Tesla 18650 battery pack is currently in the works.
Next Action?
Next, there are three things to be tackled this week:
Have you thought of going with LFP batteries? They're a good swap for Pb batteries, I'm going to use them for my BEV Moped.