So I've been noodling this sort of idea for a long time now, and I figure that designing an extra large motor controller/gearbox combo for a large hexapod isn't going so fast; maybe a side trip by way of this contest will help me in my eventual developments.
The Servo50 is envisioned as:
- 50 ft-lb target torque
- 120 RPM maximum slew rate
- 12-24V supply
- Brushless motor
- Motor controller with:
- Documentation (KiCAD and source code)
- PWM control
- final drive feedback with index
- motor axis feedback for good commutation behavior
- Planetary or epicyclic gearbox
I have a few good 'from scratch' gearboxes that I've designed and fabricated. The electronics are inspired by the ODrive project, however the board for the Servo50 will only control one motor.
That's it for now, time to start on that motor controller.
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