
WiFi Webradio on ESP8266 or ESP32

A fully featured wifi web radio player with only low cost boards.
with or without a vs1053 board

Similar projects worth following
Control with any browsers (ie edge, chrome mozilla etc...).
or with an external hardware panel or with the uart interface or with telnet.
Memory for 255 stations
OTA (On the Air) upgrade,
Read direct mp3 or ogg or WMA streams or playlist .pls .m3u, asx and .xspf
Read up to a 320 kb/s stream,
Encoder, IR, lcd ...
Embedded wifi configuration via the web or serial or telnet.
Metadata displayed (ie Title of the current song if given in the stream),
Permanent setting (sound setting, stations, wifi)
Server multi clients with automatic refresh (websocket),
The stations may be downloaded and uploaded within the web site,
Stations sort management by drag drop.
very quick responsive web by caching local information in the browser and websocket.
additional hardware: a led indicates the state of the equipment
Optional: control switches, lcd display, additional ram for buffering

See for the description of the minimal prototype.

See Github for sources

See github source for the ESP32 version ( vs1053 or i2s or pcm or internal DAC)

See A project derived from KaRadio32 in progress.

See the lcd +IR software's on Github AddOn

See some realizations of users at KaraDio

A nextion touchscreen display for KaraDio from yo2ldk : Here

For more informations or questions, you can enter to the Karadio facebook group

KaRadio32 Release 2.3

Release 2.3 Rev 0 - Built on 2022/02/23


  • 2.3 R0:
    • RAM optimization
    • Audio buffer size incremented.
    • Bugs correction: HTML chunks processing and Meta computing
    • Stack crash on http instant command removed
    • AAC Decoding improved
  • 2.2 R1:
    • Introducing WIFI QoS Ip precedence AC_VI
    • SPDIF output improved
    • DAC bugs removed.
    • AAC Decoding improved (but not perfect)
    • New patch for the vs1053. Play OGG too.
  • 2.2 R0:
    • Many internal optimizations
    • ascii unicode #&xxxx; decoded
    • aac decoder improved.
    • Added html commands volume+ and volume-

    KaRadio: Release 2.1

    Release 2.1 R0 - Built on 2021/02/15

    • 2.1 R0:
      • Security: the ssid passwords are no longer sent on each "Setting" display, but only when changed.
      • Bug fixed: in parse playlist. Possible memory leak. Thanks to HmarikBel
      • Bug fixed: Special char in station name was incorrectly sent.
      • Some minors improvements.
    • 2.0 R0:
      • Better handling of the large "header moved"
      • Better monitoring
      • timezone suggestion on the setting page



    For ESP32 see the github page KaRadio32.

    ESP8266 Simplest prototype:

    - Optional external ram (23LCV1024) support (1:CS/=GPIO16 2:MISO=GPIO12 3:NC 4:GND 5:MOSI=GPIO13 6:SCK=GPIO14 7:GND 8:3.3v)

    The optional led is now on GPIO2. The blue led on the ESP8266 is blinking at the same rate.
    GPIO16 is now the Chip select for the external ram if any.
    The external ram is detected at boot time if present.

    To upgrade to this release, please flash at 0x1000 , at 0X81000 and blank.bin at 0x7e000 & 0x3fe000
    After that, all next updates are done with the On The Air (OTA) feature.
    New binaries are hosted at .

    Loading the esp8266

    First use

    • If the access point of your router is not known, the webradio initializes itself as an AP. Connect your wifi to the ssid "WifiWebRadio",
    • Browse to to display the page, got to "setting" "Wifi" and configure your ssid ap, the password if any, the wanted IP or use dhcp if you know how to retrieve the dhcp given ip (terminal or scan of the network).
    • In the gateway field, enter the ip address of your router.
    • Validate. The equipment restart to the new configuration. Connect your wifi to your AP and browse to the ip given in configuration.
    • Congratulation, you can edit your own station list. Don't forget to save your stations list in case of problem or for new equipments.
    • if the AP is already know by the esp8266, the default ip at the first start is
    • a sample of stations list is on . Can be uploaded via the web page.


    Please tell me if you succeeded or something more can be done, thanks.
    The second step will add some hardware buttons (vol + -, station + -, play ...)


    From ESP8266_ESP12( 3.3 v) or nodeMCU(5v) to VS1053 (5 v)



    CH_PD to 3.3v

    GPIO16 (a 1Hz output)

    D5:GPIO14 to VS1053 SCK

    D6:GPIO12 to VS1053 MISO

    D7:GPIO13 to VS1053 MOSI

    TXD to CH340G UART rx

    RXD from CH340G UART tx

    D1:GPIO05 to VS1053 XDCS

    D2:GPIO04 to VS1053 DREQ

    D3:GPIO00 to VS1053...

Read more »


KaRadio32 2.3R0

application/octet-stream - 1.49 MB - 01/01/2021 at 21:11


KaRadio 2.1 R1 Partition 1

application/octet-stream - 424.75 kB - 01/11/2020 at 18:13


KaRadio 2.1 R1 Partition 2

application/octet-stream - 424.75 kB - 01/11/2020 at 18:13



octet-stream - 3.98 kB - 09/17/2017 at 10:26



octet-stream - 4.00 kB - 07/21/2016 at 15:19


View all 6 files

View all 6 components

View all 11 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1


    From ESP8266_ESP12( 3.3 v) or nodeMCU(5v) to VS1053 (5 v)


    ADC : gound if control panel not used

    CH_PD to 3.3v

    GPIO16 led output

    D5:GPIO14 to VS1053 SCK

    D6:GPIO12 to VS1053 MISO (or so)

    D7:GPIO13 to VS1053 MOSI (or si)

    TXD to CH340G UART rx

    RXD from CH340G UART tx

    D1:GPIO05 to VS1053 XDCS

    D2:GPIO04 to VS1053 DREQ

    D3:GPIO00 to VS1053 XRST


    D8:GPIO15 to VS1053 XCS

View all instructions

Enjoy this project?



ldv82 wrote 10/31/2016 at 09:43 point

Thank you for the wonderful development of the project. Thank you for the opportunity to add to the user agent of change. This will give the opportunity to listen to interesting radio streams.
display Connection - it is also very good news. The touch screen would be useful in this project, because it can be used to control the device.
Nextion fairly expensive option, but very beautiful. In the future will connect the circuit and code?

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/31/2016 at 10:46 point

I will develop a range of displays including a touch creen but may be with another more powerfull cpu than the pro mini. See the LOGS

And as usually, i will deliver software and schema for free. It is my hobby.


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ok1phu wrote 10/30/2016 at 10:14 point
Hello jp cocatrix, it is very nice project. I am eagerly waiting for
VS1053 from ebay.  It would be interesting use some of nextion tft
display to manage the radio.

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/30/2016 at 10:18 point

In progress: yo2ldk has made a prototype.

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ok1phu wrote 10/30/2016 at 10:22 point
It is perfect ! Thanks.

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Thomas wrote 10/27/2016 at 12:55 point


the PCB is for this design here:

Anyway, i try to do it on my own. That could last a while because im a totaly Beginner :-)



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Thomas wrote 10/27/2016 at 12:21 point

Hi Jp cocatrix,

are there any PCB recources for a minmal Webradio.

The ones in the Kicad Folder seems to be not up to date.

Thanks Thomas

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/27/2016 at 12:25 point

What is missing? The pcb is a work of piotrsperka, not mine. I dont have the knowing to do that. Tell him directly.


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yo2ldk Alexandru wrote 10/24/2016 at 19:44 point

ok, I try to start play a link, via serial:


##CLI.PATHSET#: /listen.pls
##CLI.PORTSET#: 8994

  now, if I give cli.start, ESP module is blocked, need to reset it.
How can I send via serial to play that link for example, with one send command?
 (try it with "&" between command - not recognized)

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/24/2016 at 20:16 point

Please remove the http:// and it will work.

##CLI.PATHSET#: /stream
##CLI.PORTSET#: 8994
##CLI.ICY0#: DI Radio Digital Impulse - Ambient and Chillout
This stream requires Winamp

##CLI.ICY2#: SHOUTcast DNAS/posix(linux x64) v2.4.7.256

##CLI.ICY4#: Chill
##CLI.ICY5#: 320
##CLI.META#: ChillOutKing Ibiza - Sexy Summer Lounge Chillout Mix 2013

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yo2ldk Alexandru wrote 10/24/2016 at 20:19 point

Thank you,
tomorrow  make some tests 

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Antimaster wrote 10/23/2016 at 16:58 point

I've problems with autoplay. I use v1.1.0. After power
off the esp8266 reboot and connect to wifi and you can see that station 0
select but i didn't receive information or the stream. I need to change
the station first, then the stream work. After that i change to station
0 all is working but without changing the channel, autoplay don't work.

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/23/2016 at 17:07 point

Just uncheck and check again the Autoplay. It will trigger the state of the autostart on the esp8266 eeprom.

Yes i know, it is a pity, but you have to do it once for your life ;-)

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pvdw1059 wrote 10/23/2016 at 11:45 point

Hi, thanks for the nice effort you already did. The instructions are perfect to follow. In de sound I have some lite ticking. I put already some elco of 220uF and 100nF on the powerline and changed the powersupply, no better result. Do you have any idee how to solve the problem?

I am playing for the moment with a Nextion touch-screen ( exist in different sizes ) and esp8266, is that not a good display to use in your project? All the screens are saved in the display driver so, no use of alot of memory in the esp8266.

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/23/2016 at 12:03 point

No idea. Is it a regular tick or random tick? Try to look at you ground wires. Try to shield your prototype.

The memory is not the main problem for the screen. The problem is the lack of gpio on the esp8266 and i don't want to add external components to multiplex them.

I am developing an external screen based on the uart interface: A little processor like the arduino mini pro (or compatible) and a basic screen. The advantage of this approach is that with a canvas for one screen, every models of screen can be adapted. This mean that at the end you can have a big library for everyone and everybody will be able to modify the appearance to cop with his taste.

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pvdw1059 wrote 10/23/2016 at 18:08 point

I will have a look to the ground loop. It is not a regular tick. If I start the radio then the tick is faster then when the radio is off. I use the 3v3 regulator of the mp3 board to supply the esp8266. Could that be a problem? The nextion screen works with uart and needs only 2 wires. It has his own processor on board. So you dont need a extra arduino to use it. It comes also with a editor to create the screens and test them. It had mine for less then 15 dollar ( 2.8" ) mail included from ebay.

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/26/2016 at 18:00 point

The vs1053 must be wired to the 5v VU of the nodeMcu.
Another user try to test with the nextion. I will comment it if he succed.

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ldv82 wrote 10/21/2016 at 19:37 point
For your project, I came up with an interesting and, in my view, a useful option.
Some radio streams may not work if it is connected to, for example Winamp
The server determines the client's User-Agent string. It will only work with strings user-agent=streamradioplayeer and user-agent=winplaypcradio405 and user-agent=pcradio.
Is it possible to set the firmware the user-agent string? You can add this option in the web interface. I think it's difficult.
These streams are working? I do not have yet the finished devices.

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/21/2016 at 21:03 point

Yes, the user-agent is an interesting subject.
For Karadio, i send a user-agent  Karadio\1.1.0.

If you send a user-agent as mozilla or chrome etc, you don't have the stream but only an html of status. But if you add a ; to the address, you receive the stream. It's a trick.

With a user-agent "karadio", I don't have the problem with all stations I know.

I tested your station with karadio\1.1.0 without success, but after, i tested with pcradio, and it works but for one second, and the decoding of the stream hang. I will analyze more to see why.


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ldv82 wrote 10/22/2016 at 10:51 point

I used this XML file. This is the app for Android "PCRADIO". This working radio streams. Only need to change the Usera-agent. The ability to change The user agent makes the device more flexible.

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/29/2016 at 13:10 point

Hey, 1.1.1 will add your specific needs

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Thomas wrote 10/18/2016 at 10:04 point

Hi Jp cocatrix,

its me again. Thank you for your fast implementation of the sleep timer :-)

Actually i finalized my first control panel, and there seems to be a bug regarding the volume logic. I can only switch between to states, -17 db and -14 db. Other buttons works as expected. Do you have a idea?

I dont use the buttons start and stop because i have not enough and they are not soo important. The resistors are in place.

Thanks a lot


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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/18/2016 at 10:36 point

No idea. It is just a voltage seen from adc. If it works for -17 and -14 it must work for all.

Check and check again. Test the voltage on adc and 3.3 and gnd...

if (system_adc_read() < 10) adcdiv = 0; // no panel adc grounded
    // read adc to see if it is a nodemcu with adc dividor
        if (system_adc_read() < 400) adcdiv = 3;
            else adcdiv = 1;

void switchCommand() {
    int adc;
    uint8_t vol;
    char Vol[22];
    if (adcdiv == 0) return; // no panel

        adc = system_adc_read();
        adc *= adcdiv;

        if (inside&&(adc > 930)) inside = false;
        if ((adc >400) && (adc < 580)) // volume +
            vol = VS1053_GetVolume();
            if (vol <244)
//                printf("vol %d   vol1 %d\n",vol,vol1);                    
        else if ((adc >730) && (adc < 830)) // volume -
            vol = VS1053_GetVolume();
            if (vol >10)
//                printf("vol %d   vol1 %d\n",vol,vol1);                    
        if (!inside)
            if (adc < 200) // stop
                inside = true;
            else if ((adc >278) && (adc < 380)) //start
                inside = true;
                playStation    (Vol);
            else if ((adc >830) && (adc < 920)) // station+
                inside = true;
            else if ((adc >590) && (adc < 710)) // station-
                inside = true;

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Thomas wrote 10/19/2016 at 04:12 point

Seems to be a cold junction or somewhat else.

I changes nothing bu now it works.

Have a nice week.



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ldv82 wrote 10/17/2016 at 10:56 point

Cons not in your project, but in someone else's. In your project easier firmware process for the novice. While it's difficult to judge, first you need to do. I think the project is better to use a more common displays that can be purchased on aliexpress, ebay.

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ldv82 wrote 10/16/2016 at 20:59 point

This is another internet radio project. This project has its pros and cons. I like more your project. 

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/16/2016 at 21:03 point

Tell me the cons ;-) (apart the hardware display that is coming)
I will change it to pros if possible.

Yes, i know this project and other obviously.


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ldv82 wrote 10/16/2016 at 09:27 point
Hey. It is like your project. I'm going to make internet radio. I
ordered components. I have a little experience and ESP8266 Arduino
firmware. On the Internet there are other internet radio projects
ESp8266, but your I liked.

You do not want to add to the project
some sort of a small display for displaying information about the flow
and the other? What a popular and inexpensive display (LCD, TFT). The
device will look more complete.

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/16/2016 at 09:49 point


I am studying a complete list of display for karadio. From a small one to a large touch display. But it take some time... 

All based on a mini pro arduino.

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ldv82 wrote 10/16/2016 at 09:56 point

Thank you for a wonderful project. Let's wait for the development and continuation.

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Thomas wrote 10/14/2016 at 19:55 point

I build a Webradio based in your Instructions. I works wonderful. Thank you so mich for sharing your project. One question, for what is the optional RAM ? It works perfect without it?

One suggestion for a furher release. It would be  great if a sleep timer would be possible.



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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/14/2016 at 21:23 point


Stay tuned, the next release will be far better with drag and drop of the list of stations and a theme changer (clear or dark) (and a great speed improvement for all functions).

The external ram is for weak internet connection to improve the receive buffer.

Your suggestion is great. But i can only stop the play state, not the power ;-)

I will code it on the next release.


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yo2ldk Alexandru wrote 10/12/2016 at 12:13 point

How can I know if esp is connected on internet ?
 I cannot heard anything on output, or is vs module damaged ?!  :(

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/12/2016 at 14:57 point

When connected, it blinks blue for 10% and off for 90%.

Connect a terminal windows via usb at 115200auds to have some traces.

I like this one

Check your connections between esp and vs



=> extraram state: 0 0xff ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
data  : 0x3ffe8000 ~ 0x3ffe88d4, len: 2260
rodata: 0x3ffe88e0 ~ 0x3ffea7b4, len: 7892
bss   : 0x3ffea7b8 ~ 0x3fff1620, len: 28264
heap  : 0x3fff1620 ~ 0x40000000, len: 59872
Heap size: 32088
t0 task: 3fff8458
t1 task: 3fff85f0
t4 task: 3fff8a18
t3 task: 3fff9038
t2 task: 3fff9d60
mode : sta(5c:cf:7f:1c:75:ab)
add if0
I2S Speed: 0
SCI_Mode (0x4800) = 0x802

SCI_Status (0x48) = 0x48

VS Version (VS1053 is 4) = 4

SCI_ClockF = 0x6000

 Station Ip:
DHCP: 0x0
Device: Ip:

I: 0 status: 0

In I: 0 status: 1
state: 0 -> 2 (b0)

In I: 1 status: 1
state: 2 -> 3 (0)
state: 3 -> 5 (10)
add 0
aid 5
pm open phy_2,type:2 0 0

In I: 2 status: 1

In I: 3 status: 1

connected with karawin2, channel 11
autostart: playing:0, currentstation:160
I2S Speed: 0

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yo2ldk Alexandru wrote 10/14/2016 at 14:53 point

 All is OK now, Thank you !

I have one MP3 decoder board burn ..

 All connections was made it well but,  I put an Phone headset (who have 4 rings), and maybe was some short circuits on output so, don't do it like me !!!    :)
  BTW, mp3 board have in-scripted VS-1053 but chip is 1003, and perhaps that's way auto play not start 

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/14/2016 at 15:12 point

Check the vs model within the trace:

VS Version (VS1053 is 4) = 4

The autoplay depends on the  autoplay setting. Change it to activate the autostart.

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yo2ldk Alexandru wrote 10/16/2016 at 13:57 point

 On 320 kbs stations, audio is very crispy . wifi and internet connections are high speed; need to put external RAM to hear it continuous ? 

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/16/2016 at 14:27 point

Yes some stations give me some trouble. What is your station?

It seems that the esp has some difficulty to read the stream. May be a html problem? I need to analyse a bit more.

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yo2ldk Alexandru wrote 10/17/2016 at 08:15 point

this one for example

BTW  I made upgrade by wireless to the new version ( great feature ), who look very nice !

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/19/2016 at 20:45 point

Unable to understand why this station is not good. I am unable to receive at the good speed.

I tried with these ones: and they are ok.


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patryk.matyszczyk wrote 10/09/2016 at 11:39 point

Hello, i need to change the baud rate from 115200 to 9600. What can i do ?

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/09/2016 at 14:14 point

Good question. 
A compilation is needed.


I will add a command on uart interface in the next release soon:

With x the uart baudrate at the next reset and permanently.

The command will reply with
##CLI.UART= 115200# for example to check the speed.

Notice that if the x is incorrectly entered, the interface may be unusable.
cli.uart  only will display the current baudrate.

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patryk.matyszczyk wrote 10/09/2016 at 21:28 point

ok then i wait for new release.

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 10/10/2016 at 14:52 point

The 1.0.10 is available on ota update.

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discover1977 wrote 10/04/2016 at 13:05 point

"Release 1.0.9

- New I2S external DAC interface on the vs1053. The I2S is enabled by default to 48kHz. To change the speed permanently use the uart interface with the command :cli.i2s("x") with x =0 for 48kHz, x=1 for 96kHz and x=2 for 192kHzThe i2s interface is available on the alientek vs1053 with i2s_sclk on SCLK (GPIO16), i2s_sdata on SDIN (GPIO07), i2s_mclk on MCLK (GPIO05), i2s_lrout on LRCK (GPIO04)."

I downloaded a program version 1.09.
But I still do not see the I2S signals at the terminals GPIO06(pin 11), GPIO7(pin 12), GPIO5(pin 25), GPIO4(pin 36) VS1053

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Sergio wrote 09/08/2016 at 23:02 point

Great project, i build one today, and works great

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Dirk Spiller wrote 09/08/2016 at 19:19 point

I built the minimal solution with Nodemcu 0.9 and LCSoft VS1053 module for less than 10 Euros, great! Now I would ike to 

1) understand the coding (so many includes and other files) Which firmware is used as a basis? I see that this is C Code, so it's not the lua firmware but it also seems not to be the arduino firmware. So what is this project using? I think, I found it out myself, it is RTOS, isn't it?

2) Connect a Nokia 5110 Display via SPI interface. How do I do it? I found a similar example on, but this is using the Arduino for ESP8266 platform, so the code will most probably be incompatible. Can anyone help me? The connection is clear, but the code isn't. Where do I finde a library for this display on RTOS?

3) know, if connecting the LCSoft VS1053 to a Stereo Amplifier (Big Onkyo from my Stereo System) can damage the amplifier or the module? I read on a German forum that Capacitors in the earphone lines probably have to be added to filter out DC. Do I need these? Which size is recommended?

4) know, if is possible to set the LCSoft module into MP3 mode by software. As described on I had to solder a bridge between pins33 and 34 which was terrible with my large iron, to get MP3 mode on startup. I read somewhere (but I dont' find it anymore, that the module can be set to MP3 instead of MIDI mode by sending some codes after startup. Has anybody done this and knows how to do it in this project?

5) know what happens, when I am in a different WIFI-Network, where my SSID is not found. Will the radio start itsown access point again like at first start, or do I have to change the SSID and password for a new network as long as I am in the current one? Or do  I have to change this via serial interface?

Anyhow, great project! I think about making a tutorial for beginners on where I explain how to build this project from scratch. I'm just waiting for some parts to build a second ona and take pictures from each phase. 

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 09/08/2016 at 19:45 point


1/ just a notepad+ editor or vi under linux. It is a freertos project.
Based on

2/ No free gpio available for that.

3/ With the alientek module, the capacitors are included, but not with the cheap one.
It is very simple to add them on a board but most of the amplifier include them at input. Never had problem on amplifier or amplified speakers.

4/ The needed code is already added to the soft. No needs to soldier pins.

5/ If the ssid is not found, the ap mode is started. No problem.

I plan to write an instructable, but now i am stuck in a chunked transmition bug.
No time for the moment.

If you want to do it, great. Some snaps:


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tig wrote 09/05/2016 at 21:24 point

Got it running fine on a Wemos mini board (ESP12 with pins broken out) but not sure how to wire up the additional RAM .

Fantastic project and works well but was getting a bit of a buffer issue so I tried to wire in the extra RAM.

Can you confirm how this wiring is supposed to go as I am not sure on some of it:

Numbers are obviously pins on the RAM

1:CS/=GPIO16   <- does this mean it should go to either the CS on the MP3 codec board or GPIO16 on the ESP board or both? 

2:MISO=GPIO12 same here, is it both?

3:NC   -> don't connect this one

4:GND  -> Ground obviously

5:MOSI=GPIO13 <- again is this joining all three pins?

6:SCK=GPIO14 <- as above

7:GND  <- Ground obviously

8:3.3v <-  3.3v :) 

Thank you for all your work on this,  it is awesome :)

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 09/08/2016 at 19:51 point

Hi, GPIO are those of the esp module. 
Spi is a bus with shared miso, mosi sck. Only cs need to be particular to each device.

If your chip has a /Vhold in place of /VBAT (lcv chip), the pin 7 must be wired to VCC otherwise to gnd.


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pvdw1059 wrote 09/01/2016 at 17:06 point

Hi, what a perfect project.  I downloaded the files from Github, but for the blank.bin there I have No Download Button. Where can I find or make myself that blank.bin file. Thanks for everything

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pvdw1059 wrote 09/02/2016 at 09:11 point

Thanks, I used now a different pc and the download works. 

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