
Mounting the transducer

A project log for Ultrasonic Soldering Iron

Solder to stainless steel, ceramic, or even glass

hunter-scottHunter Scott 05/25/2016 at 21:400 Comments

I drew a little press fit adapter to connect the ultrasonic transducer to the iron. I used Fusion 360 again, and it went fairly smoothly. I had to re-do some work when I wanted to change the diameter of the main sleeve part. I feel like there should be a way to change stuff like that without having to do the same work twice, but I'm not sure how. Anyway, here's the adapter I printed on a Lulzbot mini:

The solder tabs get screwed down on the sides there (those will also make contact with the wires to the transducer driver). And the entire assembly gets connected to the iron with 3 screws that go in the same holes that the original heating element went in.


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