
Quick Demo Video

A project log for NanoEgg Music Synthesizer

A powerful little music synthesizer with a classic look!

tina-belmontTina Belmont 02/04/2017 at 12:240 Comments

I got the keybed mostly working, so I thought I'd make a little video.

A lot of stuff is secretly broken in this video. The SD card is not reading, so it can't load the configuration or patch files, which means I'm trapped on the default patch, and none of the knobs do anything. The low "E" key is not working, nor is the high "C" key, although that is because I am using an old PCB from when I was still expecting a 24 key keybed.

In this video, you can kinda hear the keys clicking as they are slapped down. I have a solution for that in the next project log!
