
Raspberry Pi Wearable

A wearable PC using a Raspberry Pi and a Vufine as the display.

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Update: I now use a Vufine as the Display. I had to made changes to the boot.txt config-file of the Raspberry Pi: I did set HDMI hotplugging to on and used a 720P HDMI mode as output.
In landscape view mode I can see the full desktop on the Vufine. The Vufine display is sharp and the colors are looking good.

I use a Raspberry Pi 3 powered by a power bank with two USB connectors. So I can plug in the RPi and the Vufine there. The power bank can output 2.4 A.

As the input device I use a mini wireless keyboard with touch pad and some joypad like buttons.

This is a work in progress. I will update the project as time goes on.
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi 3 has build in WIFI and bluetooth
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi case any case will do it
  • 1 × Rii wireless keyboard RT-MWK08(i8+) use the wireless keyboard + touchpad of your choice
  • 1 × Ravpower PB-19 power bank has one 2.4 A and one 2.1 A output port. Use the 2.4 A port for the Raspberry PI and the 2.1 A output for the viewfinder.
  • 1 × Vufine display display

View all 6 components

  • L1VM jargon file reader

    jay-t04/06/2022 at 18:58 0 comments

    I did write a jargon file reader program. It searches "The jargon file" and shows the definitions.

    It uses the latest version of the jargon file.

    Here is a screenshot:

  • txtview - a simple text file viewer

    jay-t07/28/2016 at 01:55 0 comments

    I wrote a little tool to view text files. It is written in my N language and runs on my Nano VM.

    The text size is optimized for the view finder screen resolution. The tool uses automatic simple "line wrapping". The text can be scrolled up and down.

    Here is a screen shot of the tool:

    On the view finder the GUI is black and white. The used font is very good to read.

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1


    The Vufine + display plugs into the HDMI out of the Raspberry Pi. The picture is sharp. So this was a good upgrade.

    Power Bank

    I use a Ravpower power bank. It has a power LED display on it, so it is easy to see when it is time to charge! The power bank has one 2.4 A output for the Raspberry Pi and one 2.1 A output for the viewfinder.


    I use Calibre for E-Book reading. I did install gcc/clang compilers, KDevelop, VLC video viewer, open office and others.

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