
First small steps

A project log for Open LIDAR

This project is to build a motorized gimbal mount to convert a laser distance module into a 3d LIDAR.

caveradamcaver.adam 05/12/2016 at 21:460 Comments

Currently the sensors are a bit out of reach because one is out of stock and the other is out of my price range. So I've decided to start working on the motor components of the device. The current plan is to use steppers that are driven at half or quarter steps to get a nice smooth motion for the gimbal. The gimbal only rotates in 2 axis and depending on the sensor selected the steps required are only 0.5 or 0.2 degrees respectively. I'm hoping that rounding to 0.45 degrees and 0.225 degrees won't be a problem. Motors and drivers are ordered and on their way. Once testing and selection of motors is done I'll source the rest of the hardware for the gimbal body.
