
First Motor Run

A project log for Open LIDAR

This project is to build a motorized gimbal mount to convert a laser distance module into a 3d LIDAR.

caveradamcaver.adam 06/21/2016 at 01:470 Comments

Fun with hooking up my first Stepper today. Hooked up my 0.9deg 1.2A Nema 17 Stepper up to my A4988 driver and ran it through it's paces. I'm using an Arduino Uno with pins 4,5,6 for direction,step,enable. For the rest of the hookup I modified the instructions at:

First results were pretty awful. Then I realized that the code from that page was for different pins than I was using....ooops!

I modified the code to make it easier to track timing and to change my rise and fall times for the step signal output. I also added a jumper on the logic voltage pin so I can set the motor to partial steps on the fly. Then I ran the motor at different speeds. I'm using a nice blue paperclip to indicate direction today until I can throw something together with a set screw.

Full Step [0.9deg]
(time per rotation)
Half Step [0.45deg]
(time per rotation)
Quarter Step [0.225deg]
(time per rotation)
500us Runs (408ms) Runs (816ms) Runs (1632ms)
250us Runs (206ms) Runs (412ms) Runs (824ms)
125us Stalls Runs (210ms) Runs (420ms)
