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A project log for Open LIDAR

This project is to build a motorized gimbal mount to convert a laser distance module into a 3d LIDAR.

caveradamcaver.adam 09/10/2016 at 22:331 Comment

Today I got the SF30 hooked up and running. I'm getting a few errors on the serial port. For instance it will go from 1.9 meters to 150 meters without me moving it. Not sure why these errors are occuring. Will have to contact the manufacturer. But...that was the last component.

Tomorrow I'll start working on designing the PCB. This double breadboard is too big to put on my little gimbal.


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caver.adam wrote 09/12/2016 at 14:15 point

Fixed the error on the SF30. Turned the BAUD down from 115200 to 38400. Now I have another error on the serial port where it repeats some text...who wants to be that repeating the same solution will solve a similar problem? At least all the measurements are right.

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