
Lidar-Lite 3 is announced...but due after Hack-a-day prize deadline

A project log for Open LIDAR

This project is to build a motorized gimbal mount to convert a laser distance module into a 3d LIDAR.

caveradamcaver.adam 09/15/2016 at 17:380 Comments

So I've been waiting on the Lidar-Lite 3 and hoping it might come out before I finished the project. I even wired the project so that I can switch out sensors by plugging the new one into a socket that is there and waiting. But sensor probably wont be here in time for the prize. So...keep working! I'm almost done with using the SF30-b so I'll get that up, running, and tested while I wait for the LL3 to come in. This should make a good comparison test anyway.

The LL3 has advantage in the accuracy, the resolution, and the fact that it can return an intensity (to create a black and white image). The SF30-b has an advantage in speed, range, and laser beam divergence.
