This is our final degree project. The objective is to make 3 robots capable of mapping an area. They have a two wheels basic chasis, we use a line laser and a camera for measure the distance to objects.
We have this project a little bit forgotten since we finished our Final Degree Project, we'll try to continue working in it next months but now we're in a Master Degree and don't have enought time.
Our first objetive right now is translate our project report from spanish to make it more accesible.
Curious to hear more about how the laser and camera are used to measure distance in this project. Seems like a cheaper way than LIDAR... Velodynes are expensive!
It is a really cheaper way than LIDAR and we used this method for this reason. We will update some pics that represent the way it can get distance between sensor and the object but here we let you an abstract. The basic is that if u get a camera and laser with parallel positioning in the photo done by camera you will be able to see the laser more to the left or right depending on how far the obstacle is positioned.