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A project log for The THz Drone Project

I am working on a project to fly a THz Spectrometer on a drone. This will enable spot measurements of important atmospheric molecules.

joseph-demersJoseph Demers 06/15/2016 at 19:210 Comments

So I made a couple of changes to what I was planning.

First - I ended up having to relocate the battery to be more in the middle of the spectrometer and I switched to a smaller battery with half the cells and capacity. I will have to see how long the system will operate on this battery.

Second - Windows 10, for whatever reason, doesn't work well on this SBC. When I had Windows 7 installed it ran much faster. I am switching back to Windows 7. I will not share my comments and what I think about Windows 10 in this public forum. Yes, it would be nice to make the spectrometer OS independent. That was always the goal. Just haven't had the programming resources :-(

Third - I bought a USB humidity sensor that I will attach to the system. I will try and make both THz readings and humidity sensor readings at the same time. This way I will be able to correlate the two measurements. Some of you may ask "If you can just buy a USB humidity sensor, why strap a THz spectrometer to a drone to measure water vapor content?" We are doing this as a demonstration and test. The real end goal of the THz spectrometer is to measure and classify many different gases, not just water vapor.


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