
DIYbio Lab Update, May 2016

A project log for DIYbio Lab

We're building a DIYbio lab, including custom-building the equipment.

progressthProgressTH 05/10/2016 at 04:580 Comments

May 10, 2016 | ProgressTH We had to start on all over again because we couldn't log into our old account. No worries, we've decided to consolidate all our DIYbio projects into one log since they really are all inter-related anyway.

We've just finished up 3D printing our DIYbio electrophoresis system. We've been developing a protocol to use to test it. It will require the use of our previously completed systems, the centrifuge and magnetic stirrer. If all goes according to plan, it will go up on Thingiverse and Instructables. Until then, follow along here for updates.

You can download the files for our F.Lab equipment on Thingiverse here. Instructions on building the centrifuge are here via Instructables.

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