I had the thought that, could a CO2 sensor--or more accurately a smog sensor--be somehow utilized to check the status of the smoke box? The PCB-mounted sensor, like the Adafruit component seen in the picture, might be too frail to get anywhere near the smoker, lest the solder melt.
Also, this is definitely a Version 2.0 feature... but it's something to think about. If the cookin' smoke is too thin, something might be wrong, and the system could send the chef a text.

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I've thought about this too!!! I was thinking a laser diode and a protoresistor on the other side, flare ups could give false data but I think smoke coverage would affect resistance enough to be useful at least
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I love the idea of a flare-up detector -- maybe just a light sensor?
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A laser through the smokebox would work brilliantly, I bet. Thanks for the idea!
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For specifically detecting flare ups I would use a flame sensor. OH! That in tandem with the laser/photoresistor pair could reject false data from the smoke detector.
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Love it! You ARE the best John!
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