

A project log for HumidIOTy

Humidity & Temperature automation system with data logging

arturo-aldaco-pereaArturo Aldaco Perea 05/24/2016 at 23:270 Comments

Turns out the valves i'm going to use are AC solenoid valves, so i will have to add Relays to my BOM.

I have been doing my research to make the project as simple as possible, and all point out that i will be using the ESP8266 Module to connect the Humidity & Temperature sensors and the relay modules that actuate the valves.

The advantages of using the ESP8266 are price, modularity, price, small package, price, independent, price, there are a ton of libraries already available so i think this makes a good start, BTW did i mentioned how cheap it is?.

Believe it or not one of my colleagues that has been out of the electronics scene for a while (he became a business manager with a degree in electronics engineering), was surprised to see how inexpensive this modules are, from the looks of his face he might be tempted to buy some and experiment with it in his free time.

That's all for today, checkout my mad drawing skills in the bellow layout diagram, its the projected final result but i might start working in some areas (H1, H2, H3, S1, S2, V1 & V2) first before automating the whole thing.
