
Mbed IoT testing

HW created for testing ESP8266 and ThingSpeak channels.

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Testing some modules and playing around with Mbed Nucleo.

HW is used for testing ESP8266, and MS5803 ( 14 bar ). Nucleo reading sensors every 30/60 second and updating ThingSpeak Chanel.

Just to be sure I added bluetooth module so on each web update data is sent to nearby devices that are connected through bluetooth com port.

HW have Nokia 3310 LCD display to help user to check average values that are sent to web.

LDR is used as detection of ambient light it isn't calibrated in any way :)


Simeple BOM

sheet - 3.77 kB - 05/17/2016 at 18:41


  • 1 × NUCLEO-F401RE Mbed nucleo
  • 1 × HC05 Power Management ICs / Power Supply Modulesbluetooth module
  • 1 × ESP8266 WiFi module
  • 1 × LDR Resistor Networks / Thick Film Networks
  • 1 × Nokia 5110 Sparkfun

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    Step 1

    Create ugliest protoboard in the world...

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Dusan Petrovic wrote 05/26/2016 at 22:55 point

Keep up the good work Marko!

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