
Participatory Appraisal for Community Profiling

A project log for Makers-On-The-Move

Where Design Thinking meets social challenges

spandanacheruvuspandana.cheruvu 05/18/2016 at 13:160 Comments

Participatory Appraisal(PA) is a set of methods to engage the community in active assessment of the needs and opportunities to start a social change initiative. It consists of activities such as Resource Mapping, Social Mapping, Daily Activity clocks, lifestylles, Income Expenditure sources and matrix, problem ranking, focus group discussions and SWOT analysis.

We conducted Participatory Appraisal workshops in two slum communities of Puttenhalli and Jayanagar, Bangalore in fourth week of March and in April. This is a week long community profiling workshop. The volunteers will help facilitate activities with the participants for conducting the appraisal.

The outcomes of PA workshops led to finding of manipulation of community funds, Unemployment, Gender Conformity, lack of waste management and Mosquito manifestation as core problems faced in the two communities respectively


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