As a fun little computer to mess around on, the RC2014 is great. It does have a couple of drawbacks though, and one of those is a lack of storage device. Typing in programs or data is fine in small doses, but for anything substantial, higher volume storage is needed. Several people have pointed this out, and I have considered a few different options, including;
* SD Cards
* Compact Flash
* Cassette Tapes
* Paper Tape
However, they all lack the authentic feel. Punched cards, however, fit the bill just nicely!
In order to make this a viable option, I am going to try to use off the shelf through-hole components combined with a laser cutter, some simple software scripts and a pile of regular cardboard.
So, a punch card reader isn't really going to be that great without some punched cards to read.
However, I don't have any punched cards.
So, off I head to Lasery McLaserface* to make some!
Now, of course I didn't just click the "cut punch card" button on the laser cutter. Things are a bit more involved with that, although one of the main goals of this project is to automate the the process of turning a text file in to a bunch of laser cutter ready .dxf files.
What I actually did was go to and typed a message. From there I could download a .png file of a punch card
All of the cutouts are transparent, so from there, I used Imagemagick to convert it to a black image that retains the transparent sections.
Potrace should be able to trace the edges of the image and create a dxf - however, it doesn't like .png files and even as a bitmap I couldn't get the output right. So I used Inkscape (which has Potrace built in) to do this bit.
The .dxf looked good, and came out pretty well - although some of the holes had just the tiniest whisker of card holding the chad on. At 97mm x 255mm it is bigger than 83mm x 187 of a standard size card, but at least it gives me something to get started on.
As mentioned earlier, automating this side of things is will be key to this project. I don't consider myself fluent in Linux command line syntax, but I know it *should* be able to read a text file, convert it to hexadecimal strings, send that to a web page in an appropriate amount of chunks, download the resulting images, modify them and produce a single dxf file containing all the cards needed to be made. All I have to do is teach myself how to do that :-)
I wonder if one of those bill (money) counting machines could be coaxed into dragging the cards one-by-one across a sensor at high speed. That would then make an awesome reader...
Hmmm... maybe... Initially, I'll be happy enough with hand feeding the cards, but have thought about customising an old inkjet printer. Maybe I should just go and find myself an ATM (Even better if it's full!)
I just checked the prices for cheap machines. They are as low as $50 and upwards. And they actually seem to be passing the bills across some inside surface. I will definitely get one and try to hack one into a reader when I get my lab back in a few months. The problem would be that the holes will be read in the wrong direction so 80 sensors would be required for a standard 80 column card instead of just 10'ish.
The width of a standard punch card (187mm) is quite a bit wider than a £50 note (156mm), so they're unlikely to fit. Also, I'm not sure how much the machine relies on how bendy paper money is compared with thin card. Still worth investigating though :-)
Right, the standard cards would probably not be a good fit for a machine like this, but using a more suitable paper thickness and size it might be close enough to a real oldskool reader. Since paper tape punches and card punches/readers are basically unobtanium today so having a midi-sized card reader would be ok with me.
Ahh... so many project ideas - so little time. ;-)
I wonder if one of those bill (money) counting machines could be coaxed into dragging the cards one-by-one across a sensor at high speed. That would then make an awesome reader...