This project focuses on a sensibilization to grand scale recycling impacts; Indeed few countries such as France aren't concerned enough by the opportunities and benefits of recycling. We should take exemple on other countries (Germany, Netherlands..) which reward this state of mind and habits. We would like to create a device that's useful enough to show a part of recycling benefits.
There's our base hardware for our project which contains : an arduino Leonardo card, a battery with adaptator, wires, a wheighing machine (based on force), an LCD screen and 3 buttons.
FSR wasn't adapted for our project, so we had to order a Load Cell to have a bigger and more efficient surface to make a scale out of it. Using the shear forces we make sure to have conform results of weighing.
We began to research some Arduino code to use a lcd screen, a FSR connected with an Arduino card. We've found few codes but we haven't achieved to make them efficient.
We'd a problem with our FSR because it wasn't adapted with our project. Indeed the surface of the FSR was enabling us to have a regular and adapted way to calibrate it and thus weigh our samples.
We began to made some sketches for example like this:
For now we've been thinking about a device that would anticipate the reward from classifying the wastes we throw away by puting them in this thrash bin. It will display the theorical valor and benefit quantification of their move on the top of it.