Iota is based around cheap nRF24L01+ radios and the MQTT-SN protocol for communications.
I have been busy doing a mix of hardware and software prototyping this week, with the first steps confirming that the radios work and that I can get them communicating with raw packets.
That was easy enough, my next goal has been to build a base set of libraries to communicate using MQTT-SN over these radios.
The problem is that the libraries I have been using so far (RF24, MQTT-SN Arduino) are designed for the Arduino platform.
Not that there is anything wrong with that, but my goals are to make as much of the code as platform independent as possible.
My goal was to reveal that work today, but things haven't gone completely to plan.
The problem is, I have a 6 month old daughter!
Having said that, I have made considerable progress, I just haven't gotten it working on hardware yet.
But in the interests of open development, I am putting the code up as is today anyway, just don't expect it to work yet!
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