

A project log for Frostbite Detector and Alarm

A small pocketable or wearable device that can warn the user of prolonged exposure to cold conditions.

caleb-hannemanCaleb Hanneman 05/29/2016 at 22:490 Comments

In this phase of the project I am taking all of the components that were previously mentioned in the project, laying them out on a PCB, soldering them down and running hookup wire between them. I found that, much to my surprise, the pinout on the packaging of the 20mm led is totally wrong, and after a quick google search, I found the correct pinout. Thanks, RadioShack! (Sarcasm) When soldering down the TMP 36, a single inline pin IC, I bent the top of the chip down and taped the flat side of the IC to the PCB. I did this to keep things clean and to make soldering much, much easier.

The finished IC is pictured here:
