
Construction Assessment App

The Construction Assessment app is intended to give users an efficient, organized way to take information on a Construction project.

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The Construction Assessment app is intended to give users an efficient, organized way to take information on a Construction project, as easy as possible. It also allows a Construction Person to easily draw out measurements and simple plans, without having any extensive computer experience. The original intention of the Construction Assessment app was to assess kitchens and bathrooms. We have also found the app can be utilized to assess other Construction projects as well. You will have the ability to take Photos, Videos and Voice Notes of your projects. Got no Internet? No problem. The Assessment stores locally to the mobile device. You can share these assessments through all shareable means (E-mail, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) with ease. Once the drawing is saved, it is a shareable PDF, which can be emailed as well. When you gain access to the Internet again, you can share the assessment with others. Please feel free to provide feedback about our app so we may improve the functions.

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janebutt1337 wrote 06/10/2023 at 12:07 point

The Construction Assessment app provides an efficient and user-friendly way to gather information and draw measurements for construction projects, including kitchens and bathrooms. It supports capturing photos, videos, and voice notes offline, and assessments can be shared through various means once internet access is available.Budgeting Enterprise solutions can help optimize the app's functionality and contribute to its continuous improvement based on user feedback. See More here :

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