
Ready, fire, aim

A project log for Buzzer System for Trivia Events

A low cost wireless buzzer system to aide with trivia events.

k-gilbertK Gilbert 05/29/2016 at 02:270 Comments

This morning with my proof of concept breadboard design I decided to mock up a compact version. This was good for visualizing how big the final product the circuit board is about the size of a pair of AA batteries which just so happens to be what will be providing power to it. Going through this processed reminded me i don't want to hand wire 24 of these. So i spent the rest of the evening drafting up a circuit board.

I've been learning kicad recently and have decided to give it a go by myself, the quite simple fruits of my labour is listed below. Not much to document besides the result itself.

From here I created a pcb, with these parts. Once again not much to say, I did it dual layer, and prepared it to be fabricated at OSH park. Since i've never done i'm pretty sure there must be an error, but i decided to send it out before overthinking it, i'll find out in a few weeks if I wasted 13 dollars.

Not many words to say, but super excited about the progress I made today. Tomorrow i'll better document the software and get started looking at case designs.


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