
Creating 3D Surfaces Using Reflectance Transformation Imaging

A project log for Affordable Reflectance Transformation Imaging Dome

A simple and inexpensive way to image and analyze subtle surface details on objects.

leszek-pawlowiczLeszek Pawlowicz 09/22/2016 at 23:270 Comments

It's possible to generate 3D surfaces using RTI results; you essentially fit a surface to the normal directions calculated with RTI. Tried embedding some examples, but iframes don't appear to be supported here. So, I have a number of examples up on this page, along with downloadable versions. The positives of this approach are far higher resolution than you can currently get with laser/white light scanners, or 3D photogrammetry. The downsides are that you only get one side of the object, not a complete version, and there are some issues with overall surface accuracy. I have ideas on how to fix some of these issues, but that'll have to wait until the fieldwork season ends, "when the snow flies" in December.
