
Sometimes You Actually Do Learn From Your Mistakes

A project log for Affordable Reflectance Transformation Imaging Dome

A simple and inexpensive way to image and analyze subtle surface details on objects.

leszek-pawlowiczLeszek Pawlowicz 09/26/2016 at 22:290 Comments

Here's the interior of my very first RTI controller (Gen 1):

And here's the interior of the just-completed version (call it Gen 4):

Here's the Gen 1 exterior:

And the Gen 4 equivalent:

Yup, controller box is completed and working properly. Which means I now have a crapload of instructions I need to post (and a how-to-use-the-damn-gizmo manual to write). And only two weeks to the Hackaday Prize submission deadline *gulp*. Onwards ...


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