
Happy Holidays!

A project log for Affordable Reflectance Transformation Imaging Dome

A simple and inexpensive way to image and analyze subtle surface details on objects.

leszek-pawlowiczLeszek Pawlowicz 12/26/2016 at 05:290 Comments

Since it's Christmas today, a small present. I've broken down the "logs" section of the PDF build instructions into categorical sections, cleaned them up, and put the new versions up in the Files section. One of the new sections deals with Assembly Logistics, where I break down the assembly into modules that can be done concurrently by multiple people; using this approach, a small group of people should be able to build a system in a weekend of work. I've also created a flowchart that shows this breakdown; you can see it in the PDF file, I've uploaded an SVG version of it to the File section, and you can see it below:
