
DronesoundTV User Guide 1.0

A project log for DronesoundTV: Autonomous Drone Sound Livestream

Raspberry Pi Generates 24/7 Surreality TV Stream from Public Samples and Audience Requests. It's an "Art" Thing?

die-master-monkeyDie, Master Monkey! 09/08/2016 at 13:010 Comments

Finally a proper user guide,

Sub-back Bot
An annoyance of YouTube streaming is the frequent request from new broadcasters for a "sub-back" - a request for the channel's owner to subscribe to their fledgling channel. They even ask "Dronebot" for sub-backs - so it now complies. This isn't likely to be used by DronesoundTV's audience, but in the underlying "StageGhost" bot the feature will be of great value to streamers.

YouTube's Coolest Shoutouts
The 'Shoutout' is a traditional courtesy that can take many forms, but most bots for streaming platforms simply respond a personalized text (i.e. "Shout out to Die Master Monkey!"). DTV's version takes it a few steps further, with personalized random comedy responses and on-screen displays including the user's profile picture.

Disappearing Ink
I gotta' tell you, I love this feature. I wrote it because of my distaste for left-over commands in chat history. Prefixing any text in chat with a hyphen (dash - ) will cause Dronebot to delete it from chat history after a few seconds. Nothing is changed, and commands are still processed - but instead of the text, chat history will show "{message deleted by DronesoundTV}". It's pretty cool.


- This message will self destruct

Random SoundCloud

I've written at length about how this is a Dronesound (and not music) project - but I am also building a bot designed for broadcasters, and the reality is that "song requests" and channel playlists comprised of shareable music are a standard feature that users expect. StageGhost now supports the addition by chat users of music from SoundCloud by URL, and an on-board playlist that can be managed by chat.

Future enhancements for this feature include personal playlists, YouTube Music and SoundCloud query support.

Geek Out: Reboot Time Under One Minute!

This is a Raspberry Pi that runs a 24/7 live stream. It spawns many short-lived processes (you should see the PIDs advance), and yeah it does crash once in awhile. Properly configured, Raspbian will reboot on kernel panic and for a live 24/7 system, once you've nailed as many bugs as possible, the best impact you can have is in getting that cycle time minimized and as automatic as possible.

I've built-in the capability to reboot it remotely - here is a clip of that happening. You also get to see some of the other features I've mentioned.

Much More to Come

If you've been tracking this project, thank you - I know I've neglected news releases, but that is only because I'm focused 100% on the project. I'm nearly ready to offer a limited test capabilities of "Stage Ghost" to early adopters, so keeping an eye on this project will not be in vain. Stay tuned, k.
