
Demo Reel 28 with Lots of New Stuff

A project log for DronesoundTV: Autonomous Drone Sound Livestream

Raspberry Pi Generates 24/7 Surreality TV Stream from Public Samples and Audience Requests. It's an "Art" Thing?

die-master-monkeyDie, Master Monkey! 09/15/2016 at 16:350 Comments

This clip shows-off some of the latest enhancements - all of these are controlled from the chat. Crazy new themes are also shown.

I've also arrived at a catchphrase I think best conveys my goals: A "Remote Control Dronesound Glitch Media Sandbox". For some, "Dronesound" needs to be explained as being "Drone Music", but I think this is the most accurate soundbite.

I am about to add Twitch support. Stay tuned to
