
First actual test with the softwarezzz boiz

A project log for 3D Printed PCB mill

3D Printed components and other hardware to make a PCB routing machine, which inherently can do other things.

dteelDTeel 07/03/2016 at 00:260 Comments

So I got finished the firmware on the arduino that interprets commands sent to it by the CAD software.

I decided to test it out, so I made a useless etch that will accept one of the extra Pololu stepper driver for funsies.

Here is a pictured of it in the CAD program

I didnt not accurately model Tool0, the width should have been larger for the depth I programmed for it. But, its testing, so whatevs.

Next, I opened up the controller dialog, which looks like this.

Once the dialog is opened, you can control the steppers to zero in the dremel to where you want zero to be. Lower to head right to where it barely touches the board, then hit start.

Once you hit start, it will tell you to load a bit, in this case the bit with the ID 0.

The dialog allows you to move the head in the Z direction (up and down) to allow for configuring it. Once you're done installing the bit, rezero it in the Z direction, and click "Done." and it will etch all the objects with that bit ID.

This dialog will popup for any bit changes that need to happen until the board is done being etched.

Here is a video of the etching taking place, including the bit changes and all that.

Here is the after math after being cleaned up. For some reason, I dont know if I was etching too fast, too slow, too deep, or the bits all messed up, but the cuts arent as clean as some of my first testing. The copper is all dicked up looking, but whatever, hopefully I'll figure that out.

